

"This book is a compilation of various memories related to Bapu (Dr. Aniruddha D. Joshi also fondly known as Sadguru Aniruddha Bapu) stretching from his school days to his days of medical practice. These are memories of Bapu's teachers, his batchmates, his friends, his neighbours, his patients and their families, i.e. of those who have had close interaction with Bapu, of those who have known him and have had a glimpse into or have been witness to his remarkable, in fact amazing and extraordinary personality. "

This book is a compilation of various memories related to Bapu (Dr. Aniruddha D. Joshi also fondly known as Sadguru Aniruddha Bapu) stretching from his school days to his days of medical practice. These are memories of Bapu's teachers, his batchmates, his friends, his neighbours, his patients and their families, i.e. of those who have had close interaction with Bapu, of those who have known him and have had a glimpse into or have been witness to his remarkable, in fact amazing and extraordinary personality.

These are penned down by those who have seen Bapu's painstaking and untiring efforts to rid not just his friends and dear ones, but also the oppressed and the destitute, of misery, hardship and darkness; something he took upon himself to do even as a young school boy and has been doing till this day. Also evident, is the love that all these persons have felt for Bapu over all these years and of course Bapu's affection and fondness for them, his infinite love for all of them - a unique, amazing, purely selfless kind of love.
The memories shared in this book also reveal Bapu's connection with a variety of fields, his authority, his proficiency and his vast knowledge - the kind that leaves awe-struck, even the expert in the given field. In their narrations, some personalities of repute, who came into Bapu in recent years, reveal that the well-read, well-informed Bapu with his thorough knowledge, his study in various fields fascinated them as much as the incredibly simple and straightforward Bapu with his remarkable matchlessness touched them.

Few who have shared their memories here include lyricist Sameer Anjaan, actor Milind Gunaji, renowned journalist Pushpatai Trilokekar and Pradeepji Verma, former General Manager of BCCI Ratnakar Shetty, Padmashri Dr. D.Y. Patil, Mallakhamb expert Uday Deshpande and many others.

Author's books


The Bapu that I have known – English


Sadguru Shree Aniruddha Bapu is a unique personality full of diverse and distinctive aspects! The 2012 and 2013 New Year issues by Dainik Pratyaksha titled, ‘The Bapu that I have known’, were attempts to fathom this extraordinary personality. People from various walks of life experienced came in close contact with Dr. Aniruddha D. Joshi starting from his school days, and till the time he was into full-time medical practice. This book brings before us the rich and diverse experiences from those times of many of these people. They personify the multi-faceted nature of Bapu before us. Moreover, a few experiences from recent years also feature in the book.

The collection of these articles in the form of a book, ‘The Bapu that I have known’, was published in Hindi and Marathi in the year 2017 on the auspicious day of Gurupournima. Later, the English version of the same too was released within no time.


मी पाहिलेला बापू – मराठी


सद्गुरु श्री अनिरुद्ध बापू म्हणजे विविधांगी व वैशिष्ट्यपूर्ण पैलूंनी भरलेले एक अद्वितीय व्यक्तिमत्व! ह्या असाधारण व्यक्तिमत्वाचा वेध घेण्याचा एक प्रयास म्हणून, ‘दैनिक प्रत्यक्ष’चे सन २०१२ व २०१३ चे ‘नववर्ष विशेषांक’ ‘मी पाहिलेला बापू’ ह्या विषयाला वाहिलेले होते. बापूंच्या शालेय जीवनापासून ते वैद्यकीय प्रॅक्टिसच्या काळात अनेकविध लोकांना त्यांचे सान्निध्य लाभले. अशा, बापूंच्या सान्निध्यात आलेल्या अनेकविध लोकांच्या, अनिरुद्धांच्या व्यक्तिमत्वाचे विविध पैलू दाखविणाऱ्या, त्या काळातील आठवणी त्यांमध्ये शब्दांकित करण्यात आल्या होत्या. त्याचबरोबर काही मोजक्या व्यक्तिमत्वांच्या, अलिकडील काळातील आठवणींचाही त्यात समावेश करण्यात आला होता. बापूंच्या आगळ्यावेगळ्या व्यक्तिमत्वावर प्रकाश टाकणारे ‘दैनिक प्रत्यक्ष’चे हे दोन्ही अंक अविस्मरणीय असेच ठरले होते.

ह्या सर्व लेखांचे संकलन असलेले, “मी पाहिलेला बापू” हे पुस्तक २०१७मध्ये गुरुपौर्णिमेच्या मंगल दिनी प्रथम मराठी व हिंदी ह्या दोन भाषांमध्ये प्रकाशित करण्यात आले. त्यानंतर अल्पावधीतच इंग्रजी भाषेतील पुस्तकही प्रकाशित झाले.


मैंने देखे हुए बापू – हिंदी


सद्गुरु श्री अनिरुद्ध बापू एक हरफनमौला एवं विशेष पहलुओं से परिपूर्ण अद्वितीय व्यक्तित्व हैं! इस असाधारण व्यक्तित्व का अवलोकन करने के प्रयास के रूप में, ’दैनिक प्रत्यक्ष’ के सन २०१२ एवं २०१३ के ’नववर्ष विशेषांक’ ’मैंने जाना हुआ बापू’ इस विषय पर आधारित थे। बापूजी के शालेय जीवन से लेकर वैद्यकीय प्रैक्टिस के दौर में कई लोग उनके सान्निध्य में आए। ऐसे, बापूजी के सान्निध्य में आए हुए कई लोगों की, अनिरुद्धजी के विभिन्न पहलुओं को दर्शानेवाली, उस दौर की उनकी यादें शब्दांकित की गई थीं। इसके अलावा कुछ गिनेचुने व्यक्तित्वों की, नजदीकी दौर की यादों का भी उनमें समावेश किया गया था। बापूजी के अनोखे व्यक्तित्व पर रोशनी डालनेवाले ’दैनिक प्रत्यक्ष’ के वे दोनों अंक अविस्मरणीय साबित हुए थे।

इन सारे लेखों का संकलन किया हुआ ’मैंने जाना हुआ बापू’ नामक पुस्तक सन २०१७ में गुरुपूर्णिमा के शुभ दिन प्रथम मराठी एवं हिन्दी इन दो भाषाओं में प्रकाशित की गई। इसके बाद बहुत जल्द अंग्रेजी में भी यह पुस्तक प्रकाशित किया गया।